Bringing expertise with energy

Want to power up your communications team and outcomes?
I can help!
I bring a combination of board-level experience, strategic communications skills and natural leadership to your communications and stakeholder engagement needs. I promise you professionalism with personality, whether I’m adding capacity to a dedicated, one-off project, supporting you with longer-term contracts, or running professional development sessions for you and your teams.
After 25 years motivating, growing and directing communications, brand & creative, consultation, research & engagement, campaigns, digital & web, and PR & media teams across the public sector, I understand the pressures & possibilities, complexities and capabilities, fun and frustrations of working in communications and engagement. I use this knowledge and experience to provide independent strategic communications and engagement advice, training and capacity to organisations in needs of some expertise with energy! I have achieved Chart.PR status and am a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
If you are in need of some Georgia Turner Communications input, please get in touch.
Who I work with
I am currently an associate
of the following organisations:
Georgia Turner Communications
clients include: